Ask Kiki – I want to break up but my family loves him…

runaway bride

As a dating coach I am often sent questions about specific love life situations that women are going through.  I have decided to post some of those here in my blog because I realize that many of YOU are going through similar issues.  I have changed the names to protect the identities of the parties involved.  Feel free to comment below if any of these situations resonate with you.

Question from Haley*:

Hi Kiki, This is very hard for me because I feel like my family is going to throw a fit when I tell them I want to break up with my boyfriend.  They think he is The One for me.  But I don’t.  I would like to see other people but I know everyone, including him, my parents, my brother and the dog (LOL) is going to be upset with me.  He is a nice guy and I understand that but I don’t love him. Everyone is hoping we will get married, except me.  What should I do?  Thanks.

Hi Haley,

Thank you for the question.  I will get right to the point.  Even though I recommend going out on a few dates with someone you are not initially attracted to see if any chemistry develops, I do not believe in continuing long-term with someone that you are not feeling.

Don’t marry him.  If you are not feeling it, it does not matter what anyone else wants.  Your parents, brother, dog, neighbor, etc. will not be the one in the marriage to him.  It will be YOU and him.  And if you are not down with this program, you need to let him know and stop wasting his time.  If he is open to backing up and seeing other people, do it.  But if he says it’s all or nothing, be prepared for your family to be confused and upset.  But they will get over it.

Now if there really is nothing wrong with him and the problem is YOU, we need to talk.  If you are always running from great guys and hooking with the guys who are NOT good for you, that is another story and we should work together to find out why you keep doing that and if you have some fears surrounding marriage/commitment.  You could be sabotaging yourself, as many women do.  That is what a dating coach is for – to help you navigate this thing called dating to get you to where you really want to ultimately be in your love life.

But if it is not you, move on from this guy.  Good luck with finding the One you do want to marry.  Keep me posted!



Do you want to be married in two years or less? Contact me today!

As Seen In EBONY Magazine
Kiki Strickland
Married in 2 Years or Less Dating Coach

Check out our events coming up, including our Love Attraction Retreat – a cruise in December!!!  Visit for more information.

How she met her husband


Hi Ladies,

I am doing a new series for my blogtalk show “Dating Talk with Kiki Strickland.”  For this series I am interviewing married women on how they met their hubbies.  I know many of you single ladies want to know HOW to find your Mr. Right and that is what I am here for.  In my coaching practice we figure out WHERE the type of men you want to date are and how to meet and start dating them.  I am there every step of the way to help you navigate the process from dating to engagement to marriage.

This new series will provide you with more knowledge on where and how YOU can meet your future mate.  It always helps to hear others’ stories, be inspired and know that it WILL happen to you next.

Listen to the first show HERE with owner of Caressence Therapeutic Massage, Mrs. Nichole Ruffin and how she met her husband Lewis on Saturday at 9AM.

If you want to be married in the next two years, contact me today!
As featured in EBONY Magazine
Kiki Strickland

“Married in 2 Years or Less” Dating Coach

p: 202-718-7797 a: 1629 K St NW Suite 300 Washington, DC 20006


Meeting men while travelling


I just returned from a trip to Paris.  I LOVED Paris.  I am making plans to return next year so stay tuned for how you can join us!

While in Paris I met several men.  One I asked for directions and he ended up walking me half way to my destination, chatting and showing me photos of his family and their home in Morocco.  He was so nice that we ended up exchanging business cards.  We were expecting the French to be standoffish but were pleasantly surprised the people were so friendly.  Especially the men.  Two ladies on the trip with me got asked out on dates.  I want to talk about meeting men while traveling.

You should be meeting new people EVERYWHERE you go.  When you are open and friendly, people are drawn to you.  That should never stop.  Always be polite and cordial and make eye contact with those around you.

One of the women asked out while in Paris asked me what I thought.  Should she go?  And if so, should she take her friend with her?

I think it is fine to go out on a date while in another country!  Of course!  Why not?  As long as you are using wisdom (don’t ever get into a guy’s car or go to his place on the first date) and being safe, it is perfectly fine to meet him at a restaurant or cafe/coffee shop to find out more about him.  In the case with the woman on my trip, she could have brought her girlfriend along to the restaurant and her friend could have sat at the bar while they got a table and chatted.  It would not be kosher to bring a friend along on a date and let the friend join you.  But yes, the friend could have sat elsewhere until the date was over.  Then when the date is over, you leave with your friend, not the guy!

You never want a stranger to know where you are staying.  It is gentlemanly for him to offer to walk or drive you back but decline.  He can hail a cab for you or walk you to the subway, though.

Now some of you may be thinking, but if I am not interested in a long distance relationship, why would I go out with a man while I am travelling?  Because it is not your job to figure out if it would have to be a long distance relationship.  That’s his job.  If he likes you, he will have to figure out how to make it work.  You don’t know everything about him yet.  He may have a house or relatives in the States.  He may own his own business and be able to work from anywhere.  It is not your job to assume anything.  Just find out.  And that is what the date is for, to learn more about him.

Opportunities pass us by because we do not take advantage of them or recognize them. Or we sabotage ourselves by talking ourselves OUT of opportunities before they can really even materialize.  If he seems like a decent guy, at least commit to learning more.  Give him your email address so he can follow up with you when you return.

I know an American woman that met her husband while vacationing in London.  Now they both live here in the States.  He wooed her, found a job here in the US and proposed.  She was not open to dating him across ‘the pond’ so he found a way to make it happen for them.  When a man is in love, he finds a way!  They are now married with two kids.

We will be headed back to Paris next April, so if you would like to join us, send me an email to to find out more.  We are also going to Italy in 2017.  My retreats have thus far been domestic, but that may change, so check out my retreat page at

Happy Dating!

If you want to be married in the next two years, contact me today!
As featured in EBONY Magazine
Kiki Strickland

“Married in 2 Years or Less” Dating Coach

p: 202-718-7797 a: 1629 K St NW Suite 300 Washington, DC 20006



Ask Kiki – “He wanted to be exclusive after the 1st date…”

As a dating coach I am often sent questions about specific love life situations that women are going through.  I have decided to post some of those here in my blog because I realize that many of YOU are going through similar issues.  I have changed the names to protect the identities of the parties involved.  Feel free to comment below if any of these situations resonate with you.

Do you want to be married in two years or less? Contact me today!
photoAs Seen In EBONY Magazine
Kiki Strickland
Married in 2 Years or Less Dating Coach

Question from Lucille*

Kiki, can you help me?  What does it mean when a guy wants to be exclusive immediately?  I have encountered two guys online that wanted to jump fast into a relationship.  One wanted to be exclusive after the first date.   Is this normal?  Thanks for any insight you can provide.

Hi Lucille,

Thank you for the question.  You are not the first woman that has mentioned men who seem to want to get serious really fast – like before you even know their last name.  I would be cautious when they start talking exclusivity before they really know you yet.   It could be that they are running game – meaning they like to have women wrapped up into them fast, create false intimacy and exit just as fast as they came in.

Or it could mean they are insecure and feel needy and want to ‘claim’ you before anyone else can take you away from them, since they feel they have found a good thing.

Or they are in love with love and like the feeling the beginnings of a relationship brings – they love feeling like the woman is perfect and this is new relationship is the greatest thing on earth…which always starts to fade as soon as they see the woman is real with flaws and bad days and issues just like any one else.  Then they are gone.

In any case, they are gone just as fast as they arrived most of the time.

I caution all women to take the time to get to know a man before you commit.  How long is enough time?  I would say at least date him for six weeks before you even THINK of seeing ONLY him and cutting off another potentials.  Six weeks should mean about six or seven dates.  You should NOT be seeing him every day or too much during one week.  That is how the false intimacy starts.  You spend a lot of time with him immediately and start to feel that you really know him when you don’t.

The Rules book by Ellen Fein and Sherrie Schneider has it right when they wrote Rule 13 – Only See Him Once or Twice A Week in the beginning stages.  You can increase the time once you have known him longer but it should never be the majority of the week until you are engaged.  Too much too soon definitely leads to problems.

I had one client that ignored this rule and saw a guy she just met for five straight days in a row.  They were having great fun and even started planning a trip away together.  I told her it was definitely too much too soon but she said that he was perfect for her and she thought he was The One.  On the fifth day, after they had a fabulously long date, he told her he would call her the next morning.  She never heard from him again.

Anyone can be Mr. Perfect or Ms. Perfect for a week.  It is time that will reveal all – motives, intentions, the true character of a person, how they handle things, etc.

Steve Harvey also mentions the 90-Day Rule in his first book.  He said you should not sleep with the guy for the first three months.  This is BASIC advice.  You are barely even scratching the surface on a person’s character in three months.  I agree with Steve that intimacy should wait.  In fact, I teach my clients to guard their hearts and not fall too quickly for a man.  Let him prove he is who he says he is and prove he really feels about you how he says he does.

Some men will turn on the charm really quick by telling you you are The One and that he has never met anyone like you.  He may say that he just knows that the relationship is ‘right’ and he wants to take down his online profile and for you to do the same.  If you just met him yesterday, I would not agree to that.  One client told me that an online guy she had not even met yet told her in the second phone conversation that he wanted exclusivity with her.  He had not even seen her face in person!  And he didn’t even live in her area.

Another client had a guy tell her he preferred to talk a lot on the phone to get to know each other before spending time in person, even though he lived nearby.  He wanted to talk for HOURS on the phone about all kinds of personal issues and kept putting off meeting face to face.  I told her he was trying to create a false intimacy.  Men know that when you share your feelings and emotions with them, you feel close to them.

Don’t fall for that stuff.  Make a sound decision after at least six in-person dates.  After that it is OK to become exclusive with him to see where it is really going, but don’t start planning the wedding yet.  At least stick to Steve Harvey’s 90-Day Rule on the physical stuff (I personally say wait even longer – wait as long as you can!!!) and observe him, learn about him, watch his behavior towards you and let him show you over time if this thing is going to work between you.

There is no need to rush.  In fact, I say you should have two years.

If you want to be married in the next two years, contact me today!
As featured in EBONY Magazine
Kiki Strickland

“Married in 2 Years or Less” Dating Coach

p: 202-718-7797 a: 1629 K St NW Suite 300 Washington, DC 20006



Ask Kiki – Five Reasons He Won’t Commit

As a dating coach I am often sent questions about specific love life situations that women are going through.  I have decided to post some of those here in my blog because I realize that many of YOU are going through similar issues.  I have changed the names to protect the identities of the parties involved.  Feel free to comment below if any of these situations resonate with you.

Do you want to be married in two years or less? Contact me today!
photoAs Seen In EBONY Magazine
Kiki Strickland
Married in 2 Years or Less Dating Coach

Question from Gigi*

Hi there! I read your article about the five reasons a guy won’t commit in YourTango – –and I’m wondering what advice you have if I’m in a #4 and also it’s pretty confusing and I love him but not sure what to do. I feel like i am in #2 or #5 but we talk about it a lot and get into arguments how it’s our behavior and personalities that clash but hard to let go of each other bc the desire to want to be with one another is still there. He says we started wrong and won’t admit it’s his insecurities but I see a point still so very confused. Any advice would be much appreciated. Feeling Stuck for like over a year.

Hi Gigi,

Thanks for the question. If you want a committed relationship but he is not giving you one, why are you staying with him? Regardless of the reason why, you are not getting what you want.  So why stay?

It really doesn’t matter if you are a #2 or 3 or 5 in the article I wrote – the bottom line is that this is not working for you.  Women stay because they have gotten too attached to the guy to leave.  The ironic thing is that leaving is the only thing that is going to make it work – IF it is going to work.  He must know you can walk away from him.  He values you if you can walk away.  It means you value yourself more than you do him, and that is a turn on to men.  They want someone that doesn’t NEED to be with them.  They want a woman that values herself too much to be treated badly or to stay when she is not getting what she wants.  It is called confidence, self-esteem and knowing your worth.

You deserve more and you should demand it.  Walk away if he is not willing to give it.

It is not your job to figure out how to make it work – that’s his job.  Let him do it when he realizes he no longer will have you.

Hope this helps.  Contact me for a consultation at

Happy Dating.

Kiki Strickland


Ask Kiki – How Should I Wear My Hair for Dating?

As a dating coach I am often sent questions about specific love life situations that women are going through.  I have decided to post some of those here in my blog because I realize that many of YOU are going through similar issues.  I have changed the names* to protect the identities of the parties involved.  Feel free to comment below if any of these situations resonate with you.Ask Kiki banner2


Hi Kiki.  I am going through a transition with my hair (relaxed to natural) and at your seminar at Lord & Taylor you mentioned assessing what has worked well with men.  I honestly don’t know what has worked for me as there has been long periods of time where I wasn’t getting any attention at all, and some where it seemed like I was meeting a lot of men at one time.  This was before I decided to go natural so I am now clueless as what to do.  Help!


Hi Jackie,

Hair questions are common, even for men.  I was recently asked by a male client if he should go bald again.  He said that when he was bald it was harder for women to ascertain his age.  He said he looked younger and it was also harder to tell his ethnicity when he was bald.

“Why did you grow your hair back then?” I asked.

He shrugged and said that it was probably because the weather got colder.

This is the very point that I brought up at the Lord & Taylor event.  If you know that something has worked for you in the past with the opposite sex, keep using it!  This is especially the case if you changed that thing and did not get better results.

I wrote a post a few years ago on LONG HAIR VS SHORT HAIR (read it here).  I said that most men prefer their women to have longer hair because men perceive longer hair as more feminine on a woman than a shorter cut.  But if you get more attention from men when your hair is short, wear it short.  By all means evaluate what works and what doesn’t and do what works.

It may take some time.

So Jackie, since now your hair is natural, you will have to find a style that flatters you.  It is definitely OK to also grow your hair natural at home while out in public you wear pretty scarves, hats, wigs, hairpieces, weaves or anything else you like your look in.  I know of some natural women who cut their hair secretly to transition, but bought wigs the length their hair had been when relaxed and no one was the wiser.  In other words, the general population does not have to be in on your transition phase at all, if you choose to keep it secret, especially on dates.

If you do cut it off and do the big chop, you may find you love it short and feel so sexy and confident that men are flocking your way.  You can test it out with a short wig before you cut it if you haven’t already.

Do like the celebrities, try many styles and see which looks bring the men.

Which styles do you like below?  Natural or relaxed?  Long or short?







Let me know how it works out.  Send me a pic!
If you want to be married in the next two years, contact me today!
As featured in EBONY Magazine
Kiki Strickland

“Married in 2 Years or Less” Dating Coach

p: 202-718-7797 a: 1629 K St NW Suite 300 Washington, DC 20006


Ask Kiki – I’ve been seeing this guy for 5 months and he still won’t make it official..

Ask Kiki banner2

As a dating coach I am often sent questions about specific love life situations that women are going through.  I have decided to post some of those here in my blog because I realize that many of YOU are going through similar issues.  I have changed the names to protect the identities of the parties involved.  Feel free to comment below if any of these situations resonate with you.

Do you want to be married in two years or less? Contact me today!
As Seen In EBONY Magazine
Kiki Strickland
“Married in 2 Years or Less” Dating Coach

Question from Wendy*

Hi I saw an article online that you had written, 5 reasons he won’t commit in I’ve been seeing this guy for 5 months and he still won’t make it official.. I’ve brought it up several times and we end up fighting. Last time I brought it up he said it was me, that since I didn’t give him head he couldn’t see me being his girlfriend. It’s not a big deal to me so I said I would etc… Then I asked again same convo and he said what’s it going to change? I ended up breaking it off and he texted me a few hours later saying how he cares about me etc. Still nothing… I don’t know what to do, I really like him, more than any other guy I’ve ever been with. He treats me like We are together.. We hang out 3-4 times a week. We go on dates, go to the beach, took me on a great outing for my birthday. I’m confused and I don’t know if I should continue giving him time or leave for good.. Some background.. He won’t do sleep overs (I’m 24 and he is 28) even though we live 2 min down the road from each other. We don’t talk on the phone, and I’m the one who has to ask to hang out.. He says he likes to feel loved… Ugh, I would really like some professional answers and not from friends and family… Thank you!!

Hi Wendy,
There was a similar question a few weeks ago from a woman who said that she felt like she was in a relationship but the man she was seeing kept saying they were not.  And guess what?  They were not.   If a man says you are not his girlfriend, believe him.

The dynamics are all wrong in your relationship. It sounds like you have been doing the pursuing.  You said you are the one that asks to hang out with him.  He doesn’t even sound very interested in you.  Yes, when you are together, he is fun and you enjoy yourself.  But he doesn’t call you or ask you out or want to stay over.

Women tend to think that if a man has a good time with her and likes having sex with her, he is considering her for a real relationship.  No!  He wants nothing more than to have sex and spend a little time with you…that is all.  If he said he can’t see you as his girlfriend or doesn’t want to talk about it, that is your answer. You are wasting your time with him.   Cut him off.  Unless he comes back to you ready to commit, there is no reason to continue with him.

It is a hard truth to take, but you must or you will keep wasting your time on him instead of finding the man that does want to commit to you and you only.

Let me know if you need to do a phone session, which is available on my website at  Good luck!

If you want to be married in the next two years, contact me today!
As featured in EBONY Magazine
Kiki Strickland

“Married in 2 Years or Less” Dating Coach

p: 202-718-7797 a: 1629 K St NW Suite 300 Washington, DC 20006


Why He Chose Another Woman

Ladies, this post is by someone else.  What do you think of her points?

infidelity couple

Why He Disappeared or Chose the Other Woman Over You

By DeAnna Lorraine

Thought you had a great date with a guy…But then he never called? Or perhaps you were dating a guy and you thought everything was going swell… But then he suddenly went MIA or he ditched you for someone else? Well, men look for certain things in the early dating stages and if the guy you were into suddenly disappeared or ditched you for another woman, here are some of the most common reasons why…

Why a man would choose another Girl over you:

  1. She was in better physical shape, or looks better all around. Remember men are VISUAL creatures! Physical appearance and body upkeep is #1 on their Attraction Radar. This is especially important if you’re a woman over 30 to make sure you’re in very good shape, your body is toned and fit, and your style is put-together, feminine and flattering on you.
  1. She was more of a challenge – And if YOU were too available and into him. When a man is choosing between women, he will always be much more drawn to a woman that poses more of a challenge to him, and doesn’t put it all out there for him to see right away. Ever notice how in The Bachelor, the poor (but dumb) girls who always cry and pour their hearts out to him, proclaiming their love for him…Always get dumped at the end?? That’s not a coincidence.
  1. She was more exciting & FUN– and seems more adventurous. There’s nothing more appealing to a man than a great woman who knows how to relax, let loose, and have fun. You can do this through playful teasing, flirting, and being unpredictable (in a good way). Women who project an image that’s too conservative and rigid will extinguish a man’s interest in you for a long-term potential.
  1. She was more confident & emotionally stable. If you are displaying insecurities and projecting a low self-image, a man is going to choose a more confident woman over you, and he is going to place you in the “Temporary” category.

Note:  This is another dating coach’s perspective and I agree with a lot of it.  But if you’d like to know more about my perspective, you can download my free dating podcasts at

Happy Dating!

If you want to be married in the next two years, contact me today!
As featured in EBONY Magazine
Kiki Strickland

“Married in 2 Years or Less” Dating Coach

p: 202-718-7797 a: 1629 K St NW Suite 300 Washington, DC 20006


Keep the FAITH – He is Out There!!!

wedding photo

So many women I meet have become discouraged about love and finding the right man.  They see couples and think, “What about me?  Why hasn’t it happened for me?”  And since yesterday was Valentine’s Day – the biggest, in-your-face LOVE day for couples ever, you may have felt this way yourself in the last 48 hours.

Thousands of couples just got engaged.  Millions of couples celebrated their love with chocolates, cards, gifts and dinners out yesterday.

But what about you?

Why hasn’t it happened for you?  Why aren’t you in a happy, healthy relationship with the opposite sex?

There could be many reasons.  But this post isn’t about the WHY.

It’s about what you are going to do NOW.

I recorded my “Dating Talk with Kiki Strickland” Blogtalk show yesterday on dating Q&A (LISTEN HERE) and one of the questions was “How can I make sure I am not in the same place again next year?”

I talked about some things that you can do.  But the main thing you need is FAITH and a positive outlook on love and relationships.  You must BELIEVE that there is someone out there for you.  You must believe that love and  marriage ARE for you.  EXPECT to be in a happy and healthy relationship.  Expect to meet great guys that will be interested in pursuing a dating relationship with you.  Optimism is your friend!  Leave negativity and pessimism behind.  You must go forward with CONFIDENCE that you WILL meet him.

He is out there looking for you!

Once you start out with this positive outlook, the rest of the steps will come a lot easier.

And for the rest of the steps (and there are many), work with me in my Married in 2 Years or Less Program.  Click HERE for more information about the Program.

Happy Dating!

If you want to be married in the next two years, contact me today!
Kiki Strickland

“Married in 2 Years or Less” Dating Coach

p: 202-718-7797 a: 1629 K St NW Suite 300 Washington, DC 20006

As featured in EBONY Magazine


Ask Kiki – Age Difference & Attraction

Ask Kiki bannerAs a dating coach, I am often emailed questions about specific love life situations that single women are going through.  I have decided to post some of those here in my blog because I realize that many of YOU are going through similar issues.  I have changed the names to protect the identities of the parties involved.  Feel free to comment below if any of these situations resonate with you.

Do you want to be married in two years or less? Contact me today!
As Seen In EBONY Magazine
Kiki Strickland
Married in 2 Years or Less Dating Coach

Question –

So I recently met a guy who is 16 years my senior (he is 53 years old). He has everything I want in a guy, loving, compassionate,  great listener, caring, gentleman,  financially stable, fun, and wants to be married.  However,  I do not find him attractive.
It’s hard for me to find guys in my age bracket that have those qualities and is willing to be in a monogamous relationship.
What should I do?

Kiki’s Answer –

Thank you for the question.  I was just reading an article on about a woman in a similar situation.  I posted it to my Christian singles group because this is a common issue.  She was contemplating marrying a wonderful man she had been dating for a while, though she had no physical attraction to him.  Her friends said she was crazy not to marry this guy as he was one of the nicest guys she’d ever dated and they thought he was a total catch.  She was torn.

Often when we have been looking for a mate for a while and we finally find someone nice, we are willing to settle down with that person, though every thing we had on our ‘list’ is not met.  In general it is a good thing to let go of the ‘list’ of other qualities/wants/likes we thought we needed if we find a person that has at least 75% of what we are looking for.  No one is perfect.  I dare say that no one has found 100% of what they thought they wanted (or even if they thought they had found it, later it became evident that the person did not really have all 100%).

I also often encourage women to give it a second and third date if they had a good time with a guy who asked them out and he seems like a decent man, even if there is no immediate physical attraction.  Attraction can grow for women.  Sometime we are looking for fireworks and sparks to fly instantly and are quick to stop seeing a man if it isn’t automatically there.  Then as we get to know him, he can often become more attractive to us.  BUT…if that has not happened after some time has passed, you should not continue with him.  If you STILL find him physically unappealing and have no desire to touch, kiss or be intimate with him at ALL, he is not a match for you.

I am sorry to tell you that you have to keep looking.  He may be a great man and make a wonderful husband.  But if you don’t want anything physical with him, you will not make him a great wife!  He needs a woman that feels attracted to him and will welcome his touch.  You also need to be with a man that does start a fire going inside you.  So no, he is not the one for you.

Unfortunately, more times that not in dating, a woman ONLY has that sexual attraction toward a guy and that guy that is so wrong for her, with none of the qualities she is looking for!  So it is a shame when you find one guy that does have the qualities you are looking for, but for whom you have no attraction to.  SORRY!

As a rule, I generally tell my clients that if you don’t feel an attraction toward a man after three or four dates, it probably isn’t coming.  And it is not fair to either of you to keep going after that.

Let’s talk more at an in-person coaching session.  Contact me at


Do you want to be married in two years or less? Contact me today!
As Seen In EBONY Magazine
Kiki Strickland
Married in 2 Years or Less Dating Coach