Married by Age 40?

40 years old card

Some of you are nearing the age of 35, 37, 38 and want to be married by age 40.   I know exactly how you feel.  I met my husband when I was 38, we got engaged when I was 40 and I married him at 41.

Are you headed in that direction right now?  Are you happily in love with a man that will make a great husband?  If not, get cracking!  This is the time to crack down and get more serious and proactive about your love life.

You need a strategy, a plan. Not be desperate and just take the next man that asks you out, but to be STRATEGIC in your dating.

I had a plan.  I had narrowed down the PLACES I knew the type of men I liked went.  And that is exactly where I ended up meeting my husband.  I now work with women on their dating strategy.  It is called “My Dating Plan” and yes, you need one.  Schedule a Meeting Mr. Right Session with me to get started.

You also need to make sure that there are not any inner hindrances keeping you from being successful in a relationship.  Why have your relationships ended?  What was the cause of the breakups?  Were you at fault?  Has it been your insecurities, fears, attitude or issues?  Deal with and correct these NOW before it is too late and you are not only 40 but 50 and still single.

Come to my Dating Mindset Master Class this month, where we will start to do this INNER work to prepare for your future husband.  It’s $50 and takes place on October 25.  Check out my website at and make sure that you attend if you know you need to be there.

Note:  There really is no rush, however, so don’t get frustrated if you are almost 40.   It may be that you marry at 47, like my cousin, and be extremely happily in love once and for all.  Does it really matter WHEN you find love as long as you find it?

Happy Dating!

 Still looking for The One? Contact me today!

Kiki Strickland, Matchmaker & Dating Coach

Helping you find the LOVE you’ve always dreamed of.


BlogTalk Radio: ” Dating Talk with Kiki Strickland”





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